Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.
Product Format
Type Strain
Mating Type
mating population IX, 1 mating population IX, mating type 1
RefSchardl CL, Leuchtmann A. Three new species of Epichloe symbiotic with North American grasses. Mycologia 91: 95-107, 1999.
ATCC® Medium 336: Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
Growth Conditions
Temperature: 21.0°C
Sequenced Data
No DNA sequencing was performed in house on this product.
Name of Depositor
CL Schardl
Chain of Custody
ATCC <<--CL Schardl<<--A. Leuchtmann
Brachyelytrum erectum, Indiana
Schardl CL, Leuchtmann A. Three new species of Epichloe symbiotic with North American grasses. Mycologia 91: 95-107, 1999.
Schardl CL, Leuchtmann A. Three new species of Epichloe symbiotic with North American grasses. Mycologia 91: 95-107, 1999.